
My words and my pictures. All I have



I have a final exam coming on Thursday, and this morning was dedicated to intensive studying, since I keep feeling I’ll go blank at the worst possible time. Two hours later, I had a monumental headache, but I still had to shoot these flowers that my mother planted a couple of days ago.

I played a little with contrast, intensity and brightness in Photoshop, mostly because the background was too bright in most of the shots, and in the rose’s case, because the camera doesn’t get the colors right with a higher exposure, and with a lower exposure the picture comes out too dark.

I don’t get why the plant is called Impatiens. These flowers look anything but that.

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Thirty years

I introduce you to my parents; they’ve been married for thirty years. I can only hope that the love of my life will last that long, and still make me feel the same wondrous way (the love of my life is photography, in case it wasn’t obvious by now).

I did like the lighting in the original shot, but I thought it was lacking something. I used Feivel’s Gothic Glow action on Photoshop, and I really like the effect. The edited version looks much more dramatic.