
My words and my pictures. All I have


Morning walk

I have so many photos to edit I don’t even know where to start. While I figure out which way to go next, these are from my vacation last summer, the one sunrise I shot that time. This time there were more days that weren’t completely overcast, so there will be more sunrise posts from this place. Until next time!



Birtyday sunset Vol. II

Here are some more shots from my birthday celebration.

It’s been a pretty eventful couple of weeks for me, I finished my last college class yesterday, and now all that’s left are a couple of finals and a few papers. Last week I was sad to be almost done with college, but suddenly this week I’m rejoicing in the feeling that the future is wide open for me, that I have absolutely no idea where I’m going to go, but I’m going somewhere.

And while I figure it out, I’ll keep shooting :). Hope you like these!




The ocean, the fishermen, and the muddy sneakers

I can’t believe how fast time goes by. It’s October already! I’ve been trying to shoot on a weekly basis (for the sake of my sanity), but unfortunately I don’t have much time to edit. These are from last summer, I’m really looking forward to going on vacation to this awesome place again, I miss the open ocean.

I have most of this week off, so I’ll try to work on some of my more recent photos. See you soon! (I hope).

Before I leave, I wanted to share with you the lengths I’ll go to in order to get the perfect shot. This is what happened to my “good” sneakers yesterday. Oh well, that’s what the washing machine is for, the sunset was gorgeous :).


Happy birthday and the Atlantic Ocean

Because, you know, what better way is there to celebrate than surrounded by beauty? Today Art is my sanity is officially one year old. One year of my words and my images, one year of crafting my soul by creating beauty. It was one of the best years of my life, and this blog was a great part of that.

I found my place in the world when I stood watching the sunset with a camera for the first time, and I’ve shared my path with you since that day. I grew as a person and as a photographer, I got my first DSLR, and like my favorite band says “together we’re invincible”. When I have a camera in my hands I’m invincible, and my soul’s unbreakable.

With all my heart, people, I say thank you. Without you Art is my sanity wouldn’t be the place of beauty, joy and hope it is today, and I wouldn’t have this lovely corner of the world to retire to when my soul needs rest.

Here’s to another year, and another one after that. At twenty-four my life is barely beginning, and I can’t wait to find out were my feet will take me, and share that road with you.


Golden sunset over Monte Hermoso

Monday, at last. I know lots of people hate Mondays, but I had a week from hell, and when that happens Mondays feel like a gift, a blank canvas, the chance to turn things around. I’m lucky to able to post these photos today, since on Friday night my computer broke down and I thought I’d have to start editing them all over again. It was just a Windows XP glitch though, and it got fixed in a couple of hours on Saturday morning without any losses (other than those of my peace of mind and spirit, that is.)
Not everything was bad about last week, though. I shot a couple of beautiful sunsets, celebrated the shelving of PIPA and SOPA, and discovered that my half-dead MP4 player is fully alive with my camera’s USB wire (you see where my head was last week for me to have made this rather odd discovery.)
Today I decided I’m starting this week off on the right foot, and to go with that statement here’s a load of beauty. I’m seriously considering moving to this small vacation city when I graduate. It’s photographer’s heaven, and I can teach literature anywhere. Winters will be frosty, though. Brrr.
I hope you like these photos, since there are many more to come from this short vacation :).