
My words and my pictures. All I have


Happy birthday and the Atlantic Ocean

Because, you know, what better way is there to celebrate than surrounded by beauty? Today Art is my sanity is officially one year old. One year of my words and my images, one year of crafting my soul by creating beauty. It was one of the best years of my life, and this blog was a great part of that.

I found my place in the world when I stood watching the sunset with a camera for the first time, and I’ve shared my path with you since that day. I grew as a person and as a photographer, I got my first DSLR, and like my favorite band says “together we’re invincible”. When I have a camera in my hands I’m invincible, and my soul’s unbreakable.

With all my heart, people, I say thank you. Without you Art is my sanity wouldn’t be the place of beauty, joy and hope it is today, and I wouldn’t have this lovely corner of the world to retire to when my soul needs rest.

Here’s to another year, and another one after that. At twenty-four my life is barely beginning, and I can’t wait to find out were my feet will take me, and share that road with you.