
My words and my pictures. All I have


Celebratory sunset

I have very good news to share with you. First, Artismysanity turned two about a month ago (I forgot to mention it back then, but I remembered now, so Happy Birthday!). Like I did last year, I want to thank everyone that has stopped by, liked or commented on one of my posts and followed this blog – without you, this blog would make no sense. Here’s to another year of enjoying photography and sharing it with you all!

Second, my graduation is in a couple of weeks. My last final was almost a year ago, but the paperwork took forever, so I’m only getting my degree now. I hate paperwork. But I love that this moment has finally arrived, because it gives me a wonderful sense of closure. It’s over, I’m done. Not completely, since I’m still working to get what we here call Licenciatura, but I’m officially a teacher, I get to hang that piece of paper on the wall and pat myself on the back. And I get to buy new clothes for the ceremony, which is always nice :).

These are a few more shots from last summer. It was one of the most peaceful and beautiful days I have ever spent at the local beach, and I think it’s a great way to celebrate, since whenever I needed to escape from the madness of classes and exams, this is where I went. Enjoy!
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These are some shots of the almond tree that I’ve been meaning to post for a while. I was planning to post some shots from my vacation, but instead I went on vacation again. Just for the weekend, but I got some more shots of the sunrise and sunset at the beach. I’m seriously considering moving there, the ocean is just too beautiful, and starting the day by watching the sunrise and listening to the waves crashing on the beach is one of the best things in the universe. Who would have thought I would end up loving being up to watch the sunrise. Hope you like these!

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