
My words and my pictures. All I have

The first sunset Vol.II


Hey everyone! How’s your week been so far? I’ve read in some blogs that winter’s finally arrived in the Northern Hemisphere. I’m sorry you have to brave the cold, but I envy you the snow shots!
Anywho, here are some more sunset shots from the same day as the last post – hope they make you feel a little warmer! I’m going on vacation for a few days, guess where – you’re right, to the beach! But this beach is better, because it looks west AND east, so I can shoot sunrises too. It’s a good thing my personal summer time involves staying up until after sunrise and sleeping through the morning and a good part of the afternoon :).
I’m afraid for the next month I’ll be staying home downloading, editing and filing all the photos I’m going to take, LOL. Have a great week, and thanks for visiting!
PS: What do you think of the new look? I felt I needed something lighter, brighter, to go with my mood.

This last shot was my submission for this week’s theme on Flickr: liquid. I edited in Lightroom to achieve the retro look.

48 thoughts on “The first sunset Vol.II

  1. Wow ! Soooo beautiful ! Have fun on your vacation.
    I really like the new look !

  2. Oh how I needed these beautiful photos tonight! After enduring pouring rain all day, now we are under a flash freeze warning. The temperature is dropping fast, and we could get dumped on with snow too!! I envy you right now! Enjoy the sun.

  3. beautiful! And I looooove that retro shot.. fantastic!

  4. These are beautiful, but the last shot is my favourite 🙂

  5. I love the last shot, it’s really touching, brings up so many emotions. Great work. Luc

  6. No snow in London! 😦 I envy you those sunsets!! 🙂

  7. Brilliant collection

  8. Love that last shot! 🙂 Beautiful light in it.

  9. this theme is definitely ‘lighter and brighter’ than your previous one..personally i like this better

  10. Ahh warmth…thanks for posting these photos!!! Have a great vacation!

  11. Both series’ of sunsets have been amazing! The colours are so vibrant and yet soothing. Great images! And nice treatment of the final image too!! Cheers, and have a great vacation!!

  12. Brilliant Photo’s

  13. stunning shots! last one is my favourite!

  14. Ah. Your sunset shots came in the nick of time. It’s been soooo cold here in the Northeast the last couple of days. Your photos were a breath of fresh air. Beautiful shots by the way. I love the last one. Conjures up very nostalgic feelings. I see you have a new “look” I think I miss the water one just a tad bit : ) but a good look nonetheless.

    • Glad to read my post brought you some comfort, Nareen :). I always loved shots with that retro look when I saw them on other blogs, and I’m really happy I managed to capture a photo that lent itself to this processing so well :).
      I liked the old look, too, but I’d had it for almost a year, so it was time for a change. Change is good :).

  15. Absolutely beautiful! I can almost feel the heat just staring at them. And if I close my eyes and dream, I just might forget about the icy snow outside my window.

  16. I think your photos stand out more in this format…love the feet!!!!

  17. Fabulous photographic captures…

  18. Great shots Belen, especially the last one as the retro look really suits the mood of the picture. Love the new look blog also 🙂

  19. what GORGEOUS photos!

    p.s. thanks for shopping by my blog! 🙂

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