
My words and my pictures. All I have


Wild hope

Hello, dear readers! This time I was forced to go missing for a few days because I had a final on Monday morning. I aced it! I can’t believe that one was the last of the burdensome finals. I also can’t believe that it’s just one more final and that’s it. I have to write two or three more papers, but those come easier to me. I’ll be a college graduate by February, people! (That is, if I don’t kill a couple of teachers on the way. Though I can appreciate the paradox in the fact that teachers, who are supposed to help you, usually end up standing in your way).

It’s been a long six years since I was a wide-eyed freshman, and it’s such a thrill that this part of my life is finally going to be over, and a new one’s going to begin.

These lovely flowers grow around the corner from my home, in unoccupied land. Such lovely, delicate beauty makes me feel hopeful, for the simple reason that it exists.

When I took these pictures there was a pretty scary lady hovering around me, as if she thought I was going to throw myself onto the plants and destroy them. Some people are seriously paranoid.