
My words and my pictures. All I have


Shrimp flowers

And here I thought it was just a crazy name we crazy Argentineans had given this plant. But no, I googled it and it turns out it’s called the same in English, shrimp plant. I’ve largely ignored this hidden gem, because it’s in one of the worst spots for photography in my garden, and in order to move the pot it’s in I’d need some help from Atlas. But I was so depressed last Sunday after three days of rain and all the signs of impending winter everywhere I turned to look, that these colorful flowers got my attention the second I stepped outside. When you look at them from close, it’s spooky how much they resemble an actual shrimp. A pity they’re not as tasty, at least as far as I know without actually eating one.

I’m feeling more cheerful today. It may have to do with the fact that I got a lot of things done during the weekend, and with my finally having resigned myself to a meager six hours of sleep a night. After all, I got through March and April almost without noticing the passing of time, not because I was absent, but because I found something enjoyable in every day. If I try harder, I may just be able to do the same during May and June, and then the worst part of the year will be over and I’ll probably start celebrating my upcoming graduation.

My sweater is almost done, my photography is not yet resenting the daily burden of work I have to do, and I’m eager to meet the teacher who’s going to help me throughout my residency, and the students I’ll be working with, of course.

Thanks everyone for your well wishes, and for taking the time to comment. Blogging without such great readers would be no fun!